Naoyuki Takeda

2nd year student of the Personalized Academy of Combat Education

Do you live to survive. . .or to kill? To learn?


Name: Naoyuki Takeda
Race: Human
Age: 19
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Silver
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120lbs

Personality: Naoyuki is aloof, smooth, and very intelligent and resourceful, always thinking and planning ahead. As a young child, he found himself very bored and uninterested with a lot of things, and as a result of how the world has changed, he harbors a dangerous curiosity and interest in the supernatural, including the Legion.

Abilities and Equipment

Naoyuki, as a result of the Luciferase drug along with exposure to Maso, has gained strength, speed, and mental abilities way beyond that of a normal human.

He's also started to gain mysterious powers from the Maso, though he doesn't fully understand them yet.

He wields a simple katana and pistol for his main weapon of choice.

And by his side, he has an AI in the form of a brick cellphone to aid him in battle, providing gun support from a distance.


It all started on the day the Giant fell from the skies above along with the Red Dragon. This changed everything, beginning the downward spiral of a world struggling to keep itself together.

People dying all over the world, breaking down into salt or becoming the goddess' personal tools of destruction, known as a Legion.

The wrath of an angered goddess caused those with selfish intentions to use young teenagers to fight the battles they had no choice but to if they wanted to survive.

Naoyuki Takeda, a 2nd year student at the Private Academy of Combat Education (PACE) is thrust into a world on the brink of war, forced to fight the Legion as well as corrupt armies and politicians to stay alive.

But. . .why did he feel so invigorated? Why did this. . .interest him so much?